The Christian Science Nursing Arts (CSNA) Training Program is offered in support of dedicated members of The Mother Church as they meet the requirements of this Church Manual By-law and demonstrate the expression of the qualities of the nurse that Mrs. Eddy specifies (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, 395:17–20). In the classroom and in mentored instruction, Christian Science nursing arts – including ethics, sound judgment, and practical skills in support of loving care – are taught and practiced on this foundation.
The mentored portion of the course follows each classroom segment to support demonstrating the art of Christian Science nursing with a depth and breadth of practice reflective of divine Truth and Love. The CSNA training supports the individual in learning the art of ministering to one’s neighbor and his needs with this Christ Science. Additional CSNA Focus Courses designed for Christian Science nurses listed in The Christian Science Journal are also offered regularly.
Christian Science Nurse. Sect. 31. A member of The Mother Church who represents himself or herself as a Christian Science nurse shall be one who has a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice, who thoroughly understands the practical wisdom necessary in a sick room, and who can take proper care of the sick.
The cards of such persons may be inserted in The Christian Science Journal under rules established by the publishers.
Four courses are included in the CSNA Training Program. Additional CSNA courses and workshops are offered periodically for Christian Science nurses listed in The Christian Science Journal.
February 11 – March 14, 2025
Classroom session: Five weeks
Mentored portion of course: Eight to twelve months
4 weeks in the classroom followed by 6 weeks of mentored instruction
The CSNA I course addresses the spiritual ministry of Christian Science nursing and its role in and support for healing. Ethics, sound judgment and the art of Christian Science nursing are taught along with the expression of spiritual qualities essential for ministering to the patient. Practical skills are taught in support of providing light assistance with care regarding the needs of nourishment, cleanliness, comfort, activity, communication, rest, and surroundings.
Classroom session: Four weeks
Mentored portion of course: Six weeks
Course tuition: $2,500
Class Dates
June 10 – July 3, 2025
5 weeks in the classroom followed by 7 to 12 months of mentored instruction
This healing ministry continues to be addressed in the CSNA II course including continuing to deepen and broaden one’s understanding and work with spiritual qualities, ethics, sound judgment, and the art of ministering to the patient and his needs. Practical skills are taught in support of providing up to full assistance with care in ministering to the patient and the needs of cleanliness, comfort, communication, rest, activity, nourishment and surroundings. The CSNA II course addresses ministering to others in support of healing both in the refuge of a Christian Science facility and home settings.
CSNA II continues to address the standard of excellence and spiritual-mindedness needed for the practice of Christian Science nursing. The requirement for a “demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice” remains essential to the individual’s preparation for and representation in Christian Science nursing.
Classroom session: Five weeks
Mentored portion of course: Seven to twelve months
Course tuition: $3,400
Class Dates
August 26 – September 26, 2025
5 weeks in the classroom followed by 8 to 12 months of mentored instruction
This spiritual ministry continues to be addressed in the CSNA III course with a more expanded embrace of ethics and the art of Christian Science nursing for ministering to the patient and his needs of cleanliness, comfort, communication, rest, activity, nourishment, and his surroundings. Practical skills continue to be taught in support of loving care in ministering to the patient and his needs.
This course also addresses sound ethics, the art of Christian Science nursing, and practical skills for cleansing and bandaging. The course brings focused attention to Christian Science nursing arts, ethics, judgment, and care in responding to the needs of children and continuing to minister to one’s fellow-man in various settings. The CSNA III course continues to address the standard of excellence needed for the practice of Christian Science nursing. Strong demands are made on the Christian Science nurse for “a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice” in the continued preparation for and ministry of Christian Science nursing.
Classroom session: Five weeks
Mentored portion of course: Eight to twelve months
Course tuition: $3,600
Class Dates
February 11 – March 14, 2025
October 21 – November 21, 2025
5 weeks in the classroom followed by 7 to 10 months of mentored instruction
Christian Science nurses continue to work with the art of Christian Science nursing for a healing ministry as they go forward in the CSNA IV course. As in all of the Christian Science Nursing Arts courses, CSNA IV addresses the art of ministering to the patient and his needs with a genuine practice of Christian Science. A strong focus in this course is given to spiritual qualities, ethics, judgment, and skills in support of overseeing care in this spiritual ministry. It addresses preparation for roles and responsibilities of management and oversight in the various avenues and settings embraced by Christian Science nursing, along with a continued emphasis on a readiness to respond to the needs of all mankind in one’s individual practice. Strong demands continue to be made on the Christian Science nurse for “a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice” in the preparation for and representation in Christian Science nursing. CSNA IV addresses the demonstrated readiness called for in representing oneself as a Christian Science nurse.
Classroom session: Five weeks
Mentored portion of course: Seven to ten months
Course tuition: $3,700
Class Dates
April 15 – May 15, 2025
One week in the classroom
We are grateful to be offering a course on the art of Mother and Infant Care to address ethics and the art of Christian Science nursing in support of the birth and care for the mother and new baby. This course is offered primarily for Journal-listed Christian Science nurses. Consideration will be given for individuals not yet listed in The Christian Science Journal who will be supporting families with this care in the immediate future. This one-week class will be held at the BA during the dates listed below. Please contact us at csnursingarts@chbenevolent.org for more details.
Classroom session: One week
Course tuition: $1,000
Class Dates: December 1-5, 2025
One day workshop
Topic: Refining ethics, judgment and skills in relation to the advanced Christian Science nursing arts.
This one-day continuing education workshop will focus primarily on assisting with activity (mobility, lifting, moving) and with cleansing and bandaging. The workshop will include discussion regarding ethics and substantial work together with the art and skill to support your ministry of Christian Science nursing.
Classroom session: One day, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m
Course tuition: Grants are available to cover tuition
Class Dates: Friday, May 30, 2025
Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association (BA), Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, offers the classroom and mentored instruction as described here. In reviewing applications for courses, we give consideration to the specific avenue chosen for the mentored instruction period that is to be included in each course.
Tuition is for the classroom portion only. The cost of instruction given during the mentored portion of the course is determined by the individual training site. The Room and Board fee during classroom sessions is $40 per night. Please note that charges are subject to change at any time.
Click here for the 2025 Christian Science Nursing Arts Course Schedule and Costs.
Tuition for Christian Science Nursing Arts I, II, III, and IV is based on the individual course.
For individuals who come to the BA to take a CSNA classroom portion only: the cost of the classroom portion is listed on the course schedule; this cost remains the same whether or not the mentored instruction portion is completed at the BA or at another Christian Science nursing facility.
For individuals who are employed in the work of Christian Science nursing at the BA: the BA offers an employee benefit of mentored instruction in the Christian Science Nursing Arts and employee benefits regarding support for the classroom training. As Christian Science nurses continue with their employment at the BA, further resources for financial assistance may be available.
Cost of mentored instruction
The length of the mentored instruction period may vary according to the needs of the individual and is based on the his or her demonstrated practice in the art of Christian Science nursing and readiness for the next level of classroom training.
The cost of instruction given during the mentored portion of the course is determined by each individual training site.
To take part in the mentored portion of the CSNA courses at the BA, individuals must be accepted as BA employees. At the BA, instruction given during the mentored portion of the course is given as an employee benefit.
Room & Board charges
For individuals who come to the BA to take only the CSNA classroom portion of the course: the current cost of Room and Board during the classroom session is $40 per night.
For those who are employed at the BA: the current charges for renting in staff housing vary depending on the size of the room.
Meal costs during class sessions for BA employees depend on whether individuals have paid for a meal plan, prepare their own meals, or take meals in a BA dining room.
Other costs
Class participants are responsible for bringing their own Christian Science reference books, and for providing their own clothing for working on the Christian Science nursing floor, appropriate to the BA’s dress standards.
Having “a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice” (see Church Manual, Art. VIII, Sect. 31) is a prerequisite for taking Christian Science Nursing Arts training. Individuals who feel led to submit an application either for employment or for training in the Christian Science Nursing Arts ministry must be members of The Mother Church and also have taken Primary class instruction in Christian Science. Some exceptions are made regarding the timing on taking Primary class instruction when applying for the CSNA I class.
Generally speaking, it takes three years to complete the courses (CSNA I – IV) that are included in the Christian Science Nursing Arts Training Program. The pace in which one completes the CSNA training is individual according to each one’s demonstrated practice in the art of Christian Science nursing and readiness for the respective CSNA course.
The CSNA Training Program is designed to support members of The Mother Church as they prepare to represent themselves as a Christian Science nurse in accord with the requirements of the Church Manual By-law, “Christian Science Nurse.” Individuals who have completed the CSNA program and feel they are ready to represent themselves as a Christian Science nurse would need to apply through The First Church of Christ, Scientist (The Mother Church), in order to be considered for listing as a Christian Science nurse in The Christian Science Journal. Specific requirements to apply for Journal-listing can be found here.
Yes. Individuals are welcome to apply for a CSNA class-only at the BA. Confirmation of an avenue of practice in this ministry accompanied by mentoring support after the class is required before final acceptance into a class.
Each CSNA course is comprised of a classroom portion, which is taught at the BA, and a mentored instruction portion following each class, in which there is side-by-side mentoring provided in the ministry of Christian Science nursing.
The BA has rooms in the Rest and Study area of the facility which are designated for use by individuals enrolled in each CSNA course.
The BA periodically offers CSNA courses and workshops designed for Journal-listed Christian Science nurses. For more information, please contact: csnursingarts@chbenevolent.org
The BA’s Christian Science Nurses Training School will consider CSNA I applications from college-level students who have an interest in Christian Science nursing and who have legal authorization to work in the United States. In order for a college student’s CSNA I application to be considered, the individual must be a member of The Mother Church and give evidence of having “a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice” (see Church Manual, Art. VIII, Sect. 31).
For more information, or to request a print application, please call, fax, or write to:
Heather Worley
Director of Christian Science Nurses Training
Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association
910 Boylston Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-2400
Phone: 617-734-5600 or 800-662-9937
Fax: 617-975-2766
Participants’ Comments