Today your help is vital to continuing the BA’s healing purpose. Your gift to the General Fund supports these projects and more: new equipment and furnishings on our Christian Science nursing floor, improved exterior lighting and new kitchen equipment.
Learn more about ways you can support the BA.
Provide a foundation of support for the BA’s Christian Science nursing services and Training School by joining the Sustaining Circle with a gift of $1,000 or more per year or $84 per month.
Contributing monthly provides the BA with a steady, reliable income that allows us to plan more effectively and make the most of your gift.
For those 73 or older, if you give all or a portion of your Required Minimum Distribution directly from your IRA to the BA (or other qualifying charity), you will not be taxed on the amount of the distribution and it will not be counted as part of your taxable income.
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) enables individuals who are 70½ or older to donate up to $100,000 each year to the BA or other qualified charity from their IRA. You will not be taxed on the amount of the distribution and it will not be counted as part of your taxable income. A QCD can be especially beneficial for donors who do not itemize their taxes and instead file the standard deduction.
You can also use all or part of a QCD to satisfy your annual Required Minimum Distribution.
A wonderful way to support the BA is by giving from your Donor-Advised Fund. Check with your financial advisor for more information.
Gifts of appreciated stock support the BA and help you avoid paying tax on the increased value of the stock and may reduce the amount of your taxable income.
Check with your employer to see if they will match your gift to the BA.
Give in honor or in memory of a beloved family member, friend, or special individual.
Please note: This is not meant to be legal or tax advice. Please consult with your investment advisor or tax professional to determine the consequences of your gift.
Why give monthly?
Contributing monthly provides the BA with a steady, reliable income that allows for more effective planning and makes the most of your gift.
Setting up your monthly gift online also saves you postage and time.
You can make changes or cancel your monthly gift at any time.
I’m glad to give monthly, because I know it’s helpful on your end for financial planning, but I also see it coming out of my account every month as a reminder to prayerfully embrace Christian Science nursing. And it’s a happy reminder that I’m supporting that activity!
I don’t have to remember that it’s time to send a donation to the BA, it’s just built-in. It’s there every month. …It gives the foundation of support that the BA can plan on, and know that it’s coming.
Provide a foundation of support for the BA’s Christian Science nursing services and Training School by joining the Sustaining Circle with a gift of $1,000 or more per year or $84 per month for 12 months.
Hear from Diane why she feels it’s important to be a Sustaining Circle member.
Your bequest through your estate plan or will helps ensure the availability of the Benevolent Association and its Christian Science nursing services and Training School for future generations.
All assets including cash, securities, real estate, and tangible personal property can be transferred to Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association.
Sample bequest language
I give ( _____ dollars) or ( ____ percent of the residue
of my estate) or (the following property) to Chestnut Hill
Benevolent Association, 910 Boylston Street, Chestnut
Hill, Massachusetts, for its general charitable purposes.
Include the BA as a designated beneficiary of your IRA or life insurance policy. Assets gifted to charitable organizations have the advantage of being excluded from income taxes.
A charitable gift annuity provides financial support for the BA and gives you a charitable tax deduction and income stream for life. The minimum contribution is $5,000. You and/or a loved one will receive a fixed, quarterly annuity payment, at an attractive interest rate, for life. Your annuity interest rate does not fluctuate with stock market changes or inflation.
Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Please note: This is not meant to be legal or tax advice.
Please consult with your investment advisor or tax professional to determine the consequences of your gift.
The BA’s Tax ID number is: 04-2713813
If you would like to receive transfer instructions for making a stock gift, please contact Jennie Christensen, Director of Development, at 1-800-662-9937 ext. 2116
Please contact Jennie Christensen, Director of Development, at 1-800-662-9937 ext. 2116
Organization’s Legal Name
Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association
Tax Identification Number
Chief Executive Officer
Carol D. Worley
910 Boylston Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Phone number
1-800-662-9937 ext. 2116
Jennie Christensen
Director of Development
1-800-662-9937 ext. 2116