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The BA Blog

Serving the Cause of Christian Science in this holy ministry

The BA is now accepting applications to the Christian Science nursing training program.

“I realized the very sacred and important role of the Christian Science nurse in the healing ministry…”

These comments are from a participant in one of our introductory Christian Science Nursing Arts courses. The instruction in the classroom, along with the participants’ individual study of the Bible and the revelation of Christian Science, imparts vision about, and gives definition to, this Church ministry.

Our class schedule is a full one this year, and it includes teaching the Introductory Christian Science Nursing Arts course this June. We welcome students of Christian Science who are members of The Mother Church to apply for this course. Participants receive much shepherding and guidance as they learn more about this holy ministry in the classroom. They also they work side by side with experienced Christian Science nurses supporting healing as they respond to the needs of their fellow-man with Christian Science nursing.

Next Scheduled Class Date:

CSNA I: Introductory Christian Science Nursing Arts
June 7 – June 30, 2023

For information and other class dates, click here, or send an email to csnursingarts@chbenevolent.org, or call 617-734-5600 and ask for Carol Worley.


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