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Some years ago I was bedridden for several weeks

Some years ago I was bedridden for several weeks and in great pain. I called upon a Christian Science practitioner for treatment.

When able to get about, I went to the Sanatorium of the Christian Science Benevolent Association, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Through the devoted nursing care I received, sincere prayer, and the daily study of the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly and Mrs. Eddy’s writings, and through reading the periodicals, progress was made in a few days.

After a stay of five weeks, I returned home greatly refreshed. However, I asked the practitioner to continue treatment to keep my thoughts pure and uplifted. At times, I felt a sense of discouragement, but I immediately handled the situation, and the result was complete freedom. Within a few months everything was normal. It is a joy to tell others of this healing, which proved to a degree God’s omnipresence, allness, and goodness. God is indeed the great Physician.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude to God for Christ Jesus, for Mrs. Eddy, who gave us this truth, for Christian Science, the greatest blessing to mankind, for the practitioner’s consecrated work, for class instruction, and for all the activities and channels of the Christian Science movement.

— A. F.

Excerpt from the June 4, 1966 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel

© 1966 The Christian Science Publishing Society.


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