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The BA Blog

5 things to know about the BA in December

1. Livestreaming Chapel Events

If you follow us on Facebook, you might have noticed we’re livestreaming some of the wonderful activities held in our Chapel. This month we’ve streamed a holiday concert by vocalist Rebecca Pink, and a Holiday Horn Quartet from graduate students at the New England Conservatory of Music. Enjoy these musical events as you’re wrapping gifts or baking cookies! They are posted on our Facebook page for you to enjoy.

2. The Gratitude Tree

The branches of the Gratitude Tree are filling up here at the BA. At the entrance to the Dining Room in the Original Building, everyone is invited to share their gratitude at this season. It’s fun to read the new additions each day. If you have gratitude to share about the BA, we’d love to add it to our tree!

Email Katie at krooprai@chbenevolent.org

3. Rediscovered Treasures

Hand painted ornaments adorn one of the trees in the Christian Science Nursing Building. A new staff member found them boxed up with other Christmas decorations and decided to use them to decorate a tree for the patients to view. She didn’t realize that these were hand painted by a now retired Christian Science nurse and given to the BA several years ago.

4. Photo Booth Fun

The BA staff gathered early this month to celebrate the holidays together and enjoy a delicious luncheon. At the entrance to the party was a Photo Booth with dozens of Christmas themed props for fantastic photos. Everyone got into the spirit and we’re sharing some of the staff favorites!

5. Christmas Tea

The Residences at 910 hosted its annual Christmas Tea last week. It always features our vintage tea cups and saucers and silver tea service. This year the residents performed bell-ringing accompanied by a resident on the clarinet. And this was followed by a Christmas Sing!


  • 💬


    20.12.2022 00:00

    I always enjoy your blogs, Janiva! Thanks for us all in the loop, so to speak. 🙂

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